Human Services

The Team of H.O.P.E. supports numerous human service agencies throughout Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe Counties. Listed below are some of the agencies that offer assistance to those who are in need of help.
http://www.211.org/: 2-1-1
If you cannot find the help you need from 211 please try the links below.
American Association of Caregiving Youth: 561-391-7401
ChildNet: 954-414-6000
Heart Gallery of Broward County 954-918-3008
The Mentoring Resource Center: 305-644-0066
The Parent Academy: 305-995-2680
YWCA of Miami-Dade, Inc.: 305-377-9922, ext. 203
Children's Bereavement Center
Free Peer Support Groups for children, young adults, and adult caregivers after the death of a loved one. 305-668-4902,
Domestic Violence
Florida Coalition on Domestic Violence: 1-800-500-1119. Miami-Dade Advocates for Victims: 305-758-2546 or 305-247-4249 (Homestead)
Women in Distress of Broward County: 954-761-1133 (24 HR)
BSO's Special Victims & Family Crimes Section: 954-321-4200 (8 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
Miami-Dade County Dept. of Human Services: 305-514-6000 (*site lists many shelters)
WomensLaw.org – provides easy-to-understand legal information and resources to women living with or escaping domestic violence
Alliance for the Aging: 305-670-6500 in Miami
Broward County Elderly Services: 954-745-9779
Florida Department of Elder Affairs: 1-800-96-ELDER (35337)
Senior Citizens Law Project, Broward: 954-765-8955
Cooperative Feeding Program: 954-736-2400
Feeding South Florida: 954-518-1818
Farm Share: 305-248-3006 (Homestead) or 305-246-3276 (Florida City)
Riverside Baptist Church's Emergency Food Pantry, 10775 SW 104 ST Miami FL 33176, (305) 595-0542
General Assistance
Central Abuse Registry: 1-800-96-ABUSE (22873)
First Call for Help in Broward: 2-1-1 in Broward
Switch Board of Miami: 305-358-HELP (4357)
Switch Board Teen Line: 305-377-TEEN (8336)
Switch Board 211 Children's Trust Helpline: 305-643-4211 or Dial 211 (Dade)
S.T.E.P.S. in the Right Direction: 305-231-9936
Sanford-Brown Institute, Free Dental Hygiene Services: 954-475-6950
Florida KidCare: 1-888-540-5437
Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation: 954-593-5603
Together Rx Access: 1-800-444-4106
Partnership for Prescription Assistance: 1-888-4PPA-NOW (477-2669)
Home Health Assistance
Catholic Hospice Services: 305-822-2380
Department of Children & Families: 305-377-5122
Easter Seals: 305-325-0470
Home Advantage: 305-993-7900
Hospice Care of South Florida: 305-591-1606
Miami Jewish Home & Hospital for the Aged: 305-751-8626
United Home Care: 305-716-0710
Home Repair
Community Improvement Organization: Low Income Housing Repair Program: 305-558-4114
Rebuilding Together Broward: 954-772-9945
Rebuilding Together Miami-Dade: 305-661-7472
Broward County Housing Authority: 954-739-1114
Hialeah Housing Authority: 305-888-9744
Miami-Dade County Housing Agency: 3-1-1 or 305-250-5232
Legal/Crime Prevention
Citizen's Crime Watch : 305-470-1670
Legal Services of Greater Miami: 305-576-0080
LegalLine: 1-866-596-0399 On the first Wednesday of every month callers can anonymously ask questions in either English or Spanish across a wide range of legal specialties.